Dream Center


We provide tangible and transformative resources to those in need with the goal of rebuilding hope, one dream at a time.  Our Services include:

-Care & Share Food Pantry

-Redress Clothing Boutique

-Outreach Alliance for Babies

-Family Life Counseling


  • We provide on average between 30-50,000 lbs of food per month

  • Our redress program, opened in 2011 provides gently used clothing for children and adults

  • The outreach alliance for babies provides layettes for agencies in Forsyth county that service at-risk families

Giving to others brings a tangible joy that connects us. A personal connection that matters. How satisfying it is to be a part of meeting these needs. Do one of these programs speak to you about becoming involved?

3650 N Patterson Avenue

Winston Salem,  NC 27012